Tonight (February 4th, 2025): EUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue. 7 p.m. open session (6 p.m. closed session). Zoom link Agenda:
3 days ago, Escondido Union School District
Board of Education Meeting
Hidden Valley Middle School . You are invited to COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL Tuesday, February 4th | 8:30-9:30 am Room 30. Guest Speakers Dr. Luis Rankins Ibarra-Superintendent. Dr. Laura Philyaw-Deputy Superintendent. COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL. Let’s Go Panthers. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JEIMY MORAN-FAMILY LIAISON 760-432-2457 EXT-23833
7 days ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer about Coffee with the Principal
Flyer in Spanish about Coffee with the Principal
SECOND ASSOCIATION MEETING Hidden Valley Middle School PTSA every child. one voice.® HVMS families and staff are invited to connect on campus at the second Association Meeting of HVMS PTSA! * Learn about our plans for the rest of this year! * Enjoy coffee and cake! * Child care provided. * Adopt the mid-year financial review! * Raffle for those who attend! * Select the committee to find next year's board! We look forward to meeting you! THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2025 AT 6:30 PM IN ROOM 30 ENTRANCE BY THE SMALL STAFF PARKING LOT OFF REED RD.
8 days ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer about Parent Teacher Student Association Meeting
Family Day At Lunch. WEDNESDAYS. October 16, 2024. January 29, 2025. March 26, 2025. Lunch Schedule: 1st Lunch 11:44-12:14. 2nd Lunch 12:32-1:02. Entrance through solar panel gate only. Gate opens at 11:30 a.m. Bring lunch for your student only. Sign in at the tables. Tips for a smooth family day at lunch: Give yourself ample time to pick up your food, park at the solar panel lot, and sign in at the gate. Remember, lunch is only 30 minutes! Don’t forget to ask your students what lunch they take. For more information, contact Jeimy Moran-Family Liaison. 760-432-2457 ext.23833
10 days ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer about Family Day at Lunch event at Hidden Valley Middle School.
Flyer in Spanish about Family Day at Lunch event at Hidden Valley Middle School.
Hidden Valley families, In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day there is no school on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. School resumes on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.School starts at 8:00 A.M. Gates open at 7:45 A.M. Have A great weekend!
20 days ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of school schedule for Martin Luther King Observance Day.
HIDDEN VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL . Parents & Guardians YOU ARE invited . ELAC ENGLISH LEARNER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday | January 16, 2025 . 6:00 PM • Room 30 - Family Engagement Center. TOPICS: Committee Requirements. ELPAC: English Language Proficiency Assessments for California . Hot Cocoa, Cookies and childcare will be provided. If you are bringing children, please contact the family liaison with the number of children and their ages. For more information contact Jeimy Moran 760-432-2457. Ext 23833.
23 days ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer in Spanish about English Learner Advisory  Committee Meeting
Flyer about English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting.
Hidden Valley Families We hope you had a restful winter break and a Happy New Year! As a reminder, school resumes on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. School starts at 8:00 A.M. Gates open at 7:45 A.M
about 1 month ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
School announcement flyer
Tonight (December 17th, 2024): EUSD Board of Education Annual Organization Meeting at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue. 7 p.m. open session (6 p.m. closed session). Zoom link Agenda:
about 2 months ago, Escondido Union School District
Introducing CANDY CANE GRAMS December 16-19, 2024: SOLD AT LUNCH A & B GRAMS ARE SOLD FOR $1 Delivered 7th Period December 20th
about 2 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Candy Cane Grams Sale Flyer
Hidden Valley Families, Here are some important dates to remember for next week. >Friday, December 20, is Minimum Student Day. School Dismissal is at 11:48 am. >Winter Break begins Monday, December 23, through Monday, January 6, 2025. >School resumes on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. School starts at 8:00 A.M. Gates open at 7:45 A.M. Happy Winter Break!
about 2 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Winter break school schedule  flyer.
Spirit Week! 12/16 Color Wars Day. 6th - White. 7th - Red. 8th - Blue. 12/17 White Lie Day FALSE. 12/18 Ugly Sweater Day. 12/19 Bring a Stuffed Animal Day. 12/20 Pajama Day.
about 2 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Spirit Week Flyer
All schools are open today. We will continue to monitor the weather and power outages if and when they occur.
about 2 months ago, Escondido Union School District
Escondido Union School District News
WINTER WONDERLAND DANCE. December 5th. 2-3:30 PM. $5 / $2 IF YOU HAVE A 3.5 AND OVER.
2 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of school Winter Wonderland Dance.
Hidden Valley Middle School. You are invited to COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL. Tuesday, December 3rd | 8:30-9:30 a.m. Room 30. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JEIMY MORAN-FAMILY LIAISON. 760-432-2457 EXT-23833.
2 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of Coffee with the Principal
Coffee with the Principal flyer in Spanish.
Hidden Valley Families, Here are some important dates to remember. >Friday, November 22, is Minimum Student Day. School Dismissal is at 11:48 am. >Thanksgiving Break begins Monday, November 25, through Friday, November 29. >School resumes on Monday, December 2nd. School starts at 8:00 A.M. Gates open at 7:45 A.M.
3 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of  school minimum day  and  thanksgiving break schedule.
Tonight (November 14th, 2024): EUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Avenue. 7 p.m. open session (6 p.m. closed session). Zoom link Agenda:
3 months ago, Escondido Union School District
Escondido Union School District. 7TH AND 8TH GRADE OVERNIGHT CAMP EXPERIENCE AT SEACAMP SAN DIEGO. Dates: Spring Break, April 14 - April 18, 2025. 4-night/5-day overnight camp experience at no cost to families! EUSD is offering an overnight camp experience at Mission Bay with SEACAMP San Diego for 7th-8th grade students during spring break. This 4-night/5-day camp experience takes place at SEACAMP San Diego, a marine science camp that combines hands-on labs and workshops with interactive, highly physical field activities such as snorkeling, a boat trip, kayaking, and boogie boarding. COMPLETE THE Interest Survey: . Survey Closes 12/1/24. Questions? EUSD Extended Learning, Intervention & Enrichment Department. 760-233-4338. For more information about SEACAMP.
3 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of No cost Spring Break Overnight Camp Opportunity for 7th and 8th graders - SEACAMP
Flyer in Spanish of No cost Spring Break Overnight Camp Opportunity for 7th and 8th graders - SEACAMP
No Cost to Families. Escondido UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT. CAMP CUYAMACA 6TH GRADE CAMP. EUSD I S EXCITED T O O FFER A 5 -DAY/4-NIGHT SIXTH GRADE CAMP! Space is limited and participation will be lottery-based. During Spring Break 2025, sixth graders will have the chance to explore Cuyamaca Outdoor School in the Cleveland National Forest. The program incorporates trail experiences and citizen scientist projects to create hands-on learning that is meaningful, memorable, and fun. For many students, the weeklong, overnight experience transforms how they feel about science and themselves as learners. APRIL 14-18, 2025. SCAN QR CODE ON THE FLYER OR CLIK LINK TO ACCESS INTEREST FORM: . PARENT I NFORMATIONAL SESSION: THURSDAY, 11/14/24, 4:30-5:30 VIA ZOOM. QUESTIONS? EUSD Extended Learning, Intervention & Enrichment Department 760-233-4338. FORM CLOSES ON DECEMBER 1, 2024.
3 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of No-Cost Spring Break Overnight Camp Opportunity - Camp Cuyamaca for 6th Graders
Flyer in Spanish of No-Cost Spring Break Overnight Camp Opportunity - Camp Cuyamaca for 6th Graders
Hidden Valley families, In observance of VETERAN DAY, there is no school on Monday, NOV. 11, 2024. School resumes on Tuesday, NOV. 12, 2024. School starts at 8:00 A.M. Gates open at 7:45 A.M. Have a great weekend!
3 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
Flyer of school schedule for  Veterans Day
Escondido Union School District Family and Community Engagement Preventing Youth Suicide: Mental Health Awareness and Support Please join us for an important presentation and discussion about the warning signs of mental health challenges in our youth and strategies to ensure their safety and wellness. Thursday, November 7th 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. English Virtual Presentation Link: For more information, contact Integrated Student Supports at 760-432-2247. Escondido Union School District
3 months ago, Hidden Valley Middle School
 Virtual presentation about Mental Health Awareness and Support
 Virtual presentation about Mental Health Awareness and Support